Developing with SailfishOS - a short introduction
It should be obvious that I am eager to develop for the Jolla smartphone. On my way some questions came up and I tried to answer them as good as I can. After a while I decided to write down what I’ve learned, so that I had a central place to come back to and maybe others can benefit from this small document, too. The latest and greatest version is to be found on Github. As of now it still just a skeleton but I'm working on putting some flesh on it.
Just the PDF, please
No problem, just "download from here":
Update the pdf file is not available anymore.
Note: the git repository might be more up-to-date ;-)
Why a PDF at all?
Because it is very convenient to carry around when you are offline. I travel by train a lot and there are always blind spots with no internet connection at all.
The repository contains the LaTeX source files and the resulting PDF "Developing with SailfishOS". Criticism, suggestions and contribution welcome. I've already heard that it might be better to use another markup language to lower the barrier for contribution. LaTeX can be a little beast. Currently I am not sure which language to choose. Candidates (at the moment) are:
- org-mode
- markdown
- MultiMarkDown
Before I choose the alternative and convert the document, I want to add some topics that spin around in my head right now. Until then this document/repository is very much work in progress.
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